Knit your own sea-creature.
1 hour ago
海上生明月,hǎi shànɡ shēnɡ mínɡ yuè | The moon, grown full now over the sea, |
天涯共此时。tiān yá ɡònɡ cǐ shí | Brightening the whole of heaven, |
情人怨遥夜,qínɡ rén yuàn yáo yè | Brings to separated hearts |
竟夕起相思。jìnɡ xī qǐ xiānɡ sī | The long thoughtfulness of night…. |
灭烛怜光满,miè zhú lián ɡuānɡ mǎn | It is no darker though I blow out my candle. |
披衣觉露滋。pī yī jué lù zī | It is no warmer though I put on my coat. |
不堪盈手赠,bù kān yínɡ shǒu zènɡ | So I leave my message with the moon |
还寝梦佳期。huán qǐn mènɡ jiā qī | And turn to my bed, hoping for dreams |
A Painting Of A Rural Marriage Scene, Two Quatrains, No. 2 |
Owned By Chen Jichang Su Shi 1036-1101 I myself am Zhuchen's former prefect, To encourage agriculture once I went to Apricot Blossom. But the scene there today, who could bear to paint it? County bailiffs demanding taxes bang on doors at midnight. |